Get to Know Hainan

Welcome to Hainan, a charming island full of vitality and opportunity!

Hainan, a tropical island at the southernmost of China, has a land area of 35,400 square kilometers, a sea area of about 2 million square kilometers, and a population of about 10 million. It is China's second largest island after Taiwan.

Hainan has a long history. According to archaeological findings, as early as 10,000 years ago, there were ancient humans - "Sanya Man" have been living here. In 214 BC, Emperor Qin Shihuang set up Xiang County in Hainan and relocated hundreds of thousands of people from the more

Unique Advantages

Development Goal

According to the Overall Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port: By 2025, the FTP policy framework with emphasis on trade and investment liberalization and facilitation will be basically built, and the closing-off operation of the entire Hainan Island will be launched in due time.

Geographical Advantages

Located at the geometric center among South China Economic Circle, Beibu Gulf Economic Circle, ASEAN Economic Circle, and Southeast Asia Economic Circle, Hainan Province is the regional sea transport hub of China that links southeastern coastal areas with ASEAN and Southeast Asia, and serves as a vital opening-up portal toward the Pacific and the Indian Ocean.

Legislative Guide

On June 10, 2021, Law of the People's Republic of China on the Hainan Free Trade Port was enacted and put in place, and a batch of supporting laws and regulations were promulgated in succession.

Special Tax System

According to different construction stages of Hainan FTP, put in place Zero Tariff, Low Tax Rate, and Streamlined Tax Structure step by step.

Low tariff policy will help Hainan bring in high-quality commodities, and excellent talents and enterprises from abroad. Preferential policies such as zero tariff and low tax rate will cover more comprehensive and specific items. Tax systems such as VAT and consumption tax will be streamlined and consolidated, helping enterprises bring down costs.

Important Policies

Important Policies

Trade Policies

Hainan has enacted three “Zero Tariff” lists, and dynamically adjusted its “Zero Tariff” policy for raw & auxiliary materials and self-owned production equipment, in order to promote expansion of applicable goods scope and applicable entities.

Investment Policies

Hainan has enacted negative list for foreign investment access, relaxed special measures on market access.

The Catalogue of Hainan Province on Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment adds 72 items on the basis of the national general catalogue, with total number of items remaining the domestic first place.

Enterprises are exempt from corporate income tax as regards to their income from overseas direct investment.

Financial Policies

Hainan is embarking on research of the plan for the construction of “Electronic Purse Seine" of capital, and pushing ahead with the establishment of the multi-functional free trade account system;

Hainan Provincial Financial Regulatory Bureau took the lead in enacting the Pilot Measures of Hainan Province on Carrying out QFLP Balance Management System, promoted the opening-up of the financial industry, and served the trade and investment liberalization and facilitation.

Transportation Policies

Hainan quickened its pace to build Yangpu-Port-of-China into the port of registry, and has registered a total of 38 international ships, making total tonnage of its international voyage ships ranking 2nd in China.

Hainan stepped up efforts to promote integration of port and shipping in Qiongzhou Strait, and adjusted and optimized the port’s functional layout.

Hainan has become China’s only province that takes the initiative to open the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th, and the 7th traffic rights, symbolizing the highest level in opening-up of China’s traffic rights.

Talent Policies

Hainan has enacted FTP high-level talent classification standard, and creatively pushed ahead with “Two in One” of work permit and residence permit for foreigners.

Data Transfer

Hainan steadily promoted data sharing, carried out pilot implementation of special cross-border exchange channel in order, advanced international undersea cable construction, explored to establish security management working mechanism for outbound data transfer in the industrial sector, and quickened to pace to propel pilot implementation of international data center for game exporting.